Classes, 1-1, Free Puppy Training Tips

We do also run puppy classes, puppy parties and workshops on an adhoc basis and if you're further away, then help is available by phone or skype / zoom etc. Please note that face to face meetings are limited just now due to Covid.
Many puppy owners ask about when puppy training should start. The answer is simple - as soon as you get your puppy home - or indeed, you should be asking your breeder to ensure that they carry out some level of training and socialisation and life exposure - gently and carefully of course.
There's plenty of free help here - just follow the arrows below regarding where you are on your puppy training journey.
All Anna's puppy training is fear free and kind - find about more about Anna's education and experience here. And most importantly, it's about helping you to fully understand what makes your puppy tick and how to help them grow into a happy puppy for all the family to enjoy.
Please look here for all the puppy training help services Anna can provide.
For more information on various aspects of your puppy journey, please have a look below or look here for many free puppy training hints, tips and advice,
Where are you on your puppy journey?
Just thinking of getting a puppy
Choosing the right type of puppy for your present life style and situation and carefully selecting where to get your puppy from is now more crucial than ever. It's so easy to grab a pup off some internet page. But please seriously think about whether that pup is going to be as healthy and emotionally balanced as it could be. Puppy farms are all over the place. And whilst many of us want our own dogs to have a litter, it's really important to know that who-ever is breeding your pup knows about inherited health problems and about early socialisation. Click here for more information on pre-puppy-help to ensure you get the best puppy.
My puppy is born and with my breeder
Socialisation and "life" training starts before you even get your puppy. It's really important that your puppy is exposed to all sorts of noises and people at a young age - before they are even 7 or 8 weeks old. I'd therefore recommend selecting a breeder that is bringing the puppies up in the kitchen, or busy room in the house, with children and adults around. Once you get your puppy home, you then want to continue with safe socialisation. Read more here for help on getting a puppy.
I have just got my puppy
There are a few priorities to consider when you've just brought your puppy home. These include toilet training, settling at night, not chewing or biting the wrong things, eating nicely. Planning ahead helps and making your rooms puppy safe will truly help to make sure that accidents or unwanted behaviours don't happen. After all, we all know that preventing problems is much easier than fixing them later. Click here for lots of free puppy training help for when you've just brought your puppy home.
Zig Zag Puppy Plan can help too - if you love apps, you'll love this - a day by day bite sized 8 week training plan with videos and experts on hand to help to get your puppy off to the right start. Find out more about the Zig Zag Puppy Plan here.
I want help to socialise my puppy
Puppy parties can be an excellent way to get your puppy out and socialised with other puppies. However, many times puppy parties can just be a "rammy" - lots of puppies running chasing after each other and playing with toys. It's all great to watch... Unless your puppy is the timid wee one that just wants to hide under a chair. Or, conversely... unless your puppy is a bully and is causing other more timid puppies to feel anxious or scared. So do make sure to check before you join and if you are even in any doubt about what's going on then pick your puppy up and leave. Come back and chat about your questions and issues, but please don't allow keep your puppy in an environment where they are feeling then need to hide away or feel that your puppy is being a bit rough with the others.
Of course puppy socialisation is not just about playing with other dogs. Read more about puppy socialisation here.
I'm ready to train my puppy
You should start to train your puppy as soon as you get them home. There's no point in waiting and letting them learn bad habits. The things that you'll need to be thinking about are:
How to Train your Puppy - training your puppy to understand what you're asking, and to understand your house rules is crucial. So here, you want to consider the different phases:
- How to stop your puppy chewing - puppies chew things, it's how they explore the world. Here's some helpful advice: prevent your puppies access to things you don't want chewed; keep things tidy so that your puppy can't pick things up; use a bitter tasting spray to deter chewing; and keep your puppy occupied with things that they're allowed to have fun with and chew. Read more here on puppy chewing.
- How to prevent your puppy biting and nipping you - puppies explore the world with their mouths. We need to teach them not to put their teeth on human skin, but instead, to play with us with a toy instead. Read more here on how to stop your puppy biting you.
- How to teach your puppy your house rules - be consistent. Do you want your puppy up on the couch or not? Do you want your puppy jumping or not?
- What should I teach my puppy in the first few weeks?
- How to choose a good puppy class?
- Can I read a book on how to train my puppy or do I need personal help?
- Always use kindness and reward when teaching your puppy.
I'm having some puppy problems
Many puppies can be quite difficult, perhaps with toilet training or being very bitey or not settling at night. Please don't expect your puppy simply to grow out of this. It's really best to stop behaviours before they develop in a kind and careful way. So please seek out the help of a good reward based trainer or behaviourist to help you. Do ask questions about what methods they use. Be sure that you're happy.
Of course Anna can also help with any types of training problems that you're having with your puppy. Please just call or email and we can work out whether you'd just like some quick help over the phone or whether a one off visit or indeed the puppy training programme would be best for you.
Or, please have a look here at the extensive puppy training help notes here.
Personal Puppy Training Help:
Puppy Help by phone and on-line
Please post them on questions on our Facebook Puppy Help Group - Or look at our free puppy training notes - Or take advantage of our Puppy Phone Line ..... This costs £40 and covers 2-3 phone calls (about an hour in total). Ofcourse this won't train your puppy and is no substitute for 1-1 time with your puppy. However, it will answer many of your questions, and can be a beneficial, and cost effective back up to your puppy training classes. To book a session, please phone or email us to arrange a suitable time.
1 to 1 / Private Puppy Training
1-1 puppy training and education sessions take place at the Pet Behaviour Centre in Ardgay or in your own home, generally, and last for about 2 hours. They will help you to
- understand how to train your puppy - where you're starting from, and the steps you need to take to reach your goal.
- how to avoid problems such as biting and chewing, jumping, pulling, and recall problems
- ... or how to fix these if they are already causing problems
- be confident with feeding your puppy
- know how to keep your puppy out of mischief
- have 3 months free phone support
Pawsability Puppy Programme
- Not jumping
- Not nipping
- Not chasing feet
- Not begging for food
- Not pulling on the lead
- Not coming back to you
- Not whining all night long
- Not getting under your feet all the time
- Not pouncing on visitors
- Not chewing everything in site
- Not stealing and running away with things
- Not eating poo
This puppy course is carefully customised to deal with your own individual puppy questions, problems and concerns. We recommend 4 sessions in but really it's up to you. Much of this can be covered over a video meeting, but of course, depending on location, we can come to your home too. For costs see here.
And of course you get free membership of the Pawsability Puppy group on facebook where you can discuss your joys and woes with others, and be assured that expert help is always on hand.
For more information, please just get in touch.
And of course you get free membership of the Pawsability Puppy group on facebook where you can discuss your joys and woes with others, and be assured that expert help is always on hand.
For more information, please just get in touch.
Join the FREE Facebook Advice Group
For details of costs for our puppy training help and services, please go here.